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Serious attention should be paid to your professional qualities when writing a resume. It is by them that the employer will judge whether you are suitable for the company or not. Accordingly, professional qualities for a resume must be selected and listed very carefully in order to attract a recruiter who will communicate with you during the interview.

Professional qualities for a resume

Professional qualities – this is how you can characterize the totality of personal qualities, as well as all the skills that a person managed to acquire during his professional career. They can help you improve in the future and bring tangible benefits to your company.

Sometimes there are qualities that can be called professional only conditionally. For example, referring to them as a “developed sense of humor”, the applicant is unlikely to attract the attention of a recruiter. Unless a person is looking for a job as a party host – then a sense of humor can still be called professional — read at

Strong professional qualities for a resume

  • striving for professional growth;
  • persuading skills;
  • increased efficiency;
  • analytical thinking.

All this will allow the recruiter to navigate and understand how to build communication with you and what your qualities to try to better reveal during the interview.

For example, the same lack of experience can be supplemented by such qualities as result orientation and quick learning of the Essays. Thus, the employer, realizing that there is no need to expect instant results from a new employee, still gets the opportunity to create from him exactly the kind of specialist that is required. If your future employer is forward-thinking, you have a good chance.

Professional - Definition, Example, Types of Professionals

Examples of professional qualities in a resume

It must be remembered that when listing any of the professional qualities, you need to coordinate this list with the requirements that apply to the position. For example, accuracy can hardly be attributed to professional qualities and defining criteria for a candidate applying for a top manager position. But it can turn out to be a very tangible plus for the secretary position. Therefore, when choosing professional qualities for a resume, consider how one or another of them will be appropriate for you in your future position.

Here are some situations related to certain professions, for which some specific qualities are required.

An example of professional qualities for a manager’s resume

  • responsibility;
  • operability;
  • ability to negotiate;
  • entrepreneurial spirit;
  • ability to make quick decisions.

An example of professional qualities for an accountant’s resume

  • diligence;
  • neatness;
  • punctuality;
  • being organized.

An example of professional qualities for a sales manager’s resume

  • the ability to find a common language with people;
  • oratory skills;
  • the ability to quickly navigate the situation;
  • creativity.

As you can see, the difference in professional qualities is obvious. It all depends on what vacancy you intend to apply for. But do not forget that the list of qualities should not be too long. If it contains about 10 points (or even more), then there is a high probability that your resume will be put aside: after all, the recruiter will get the feeling that you are simply praising yourself. Show moderation – and the recruiter will evaluate your professional qualities in the resume.